Tuesday, March 29

Post adrenaline low

Easter camp has finished. Pizza has been eaten. Raro packets consumed. Now what do I do? I took a day of and slept. Heaps.

What can I say I have learnt at camp? One thing. It's not about me. It can't be about me. It is about Jesus. That is a lofty statement and for most it doesn't mean much. But when you truly understand it means that nothing has the power to take you down. It means things are not dependant on your performance. It means that you can see outside of your circumstances.

If you're reading this and you don't know who this Jesus guy is then I challenge you to find out. I don't mean find out about church or Christians. Find out about Jesus. He is the way. He is the truth. He is the light. You might be in for a surprise...

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