Thursday, October 21

Sex and the city

Well, not really want I want to talk about but it's what always reminds me of shoes...

I came to Germany to buy shoes. Seriously. I have big feet. I have wide feet. They're great for swimming but suck for shoe shopping. I usually hate it with a vengance simply because it is just down right depressing.

But not today! Today I triumphed!! I had almost given up on this city and it's shoes when even in another language, one look at my feet brought on serious shakes of the head... not even mens shoes....

Until I finally found the Birkenstock shop. Four pairs people. Four pairs. Including a pair of boots! I have triumphed!

And also spent a ridiculous amount of money. Which is what reminds me of sex int he city. i mean seriously how can someone love shoes that much? Have so many pairs and spent so much money? I don't know what her excuse is but I almost fainted when I did the calculation in my head...I kinda forgot about the exchange rate...

But you know what really bought my triumph to a screeching halt? Passing person after person begging on the street for money and me muttering under my breath, apologising for not speaking for german, carrying my bags of shoes...

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