Wednesday, September 1

The Body of Christ

I brokemy little finger, right? Went to punch the volley ball. Did infact punch the volley ball. However, which we will put down to fatigue, I neglected to retract my little finger and it broke. It hurt too. Three hours in the A&E clinic and a doctor that was hitting on me, later, I am sent home with three of my fingers taped together.

Looking at my fingers the first thing that springs to mind is "what use has my little finger got?". Tangent to the body of Christ verses and you should be able to track where I am going on this. When one of us is hurting the rest of the body suffers (just try changing gears in a diesel with a broken finger). Someof us are just plain broken. Bruised, shattered and swollen. We hurt too much to be of much help to anyone else. Some of us are just bruised. We can help but by ourselves we're still not that stable. And some of us are fine. Stable enough to help others.

All three of my fingers had to be taped together in order for the little one to heal properly. Thus it is in the Body of Christ that we have to do this thing called life together. We are not designed to grow or heal on our own.

And so it is that the day will come when my middle finger needs help, so we will all move from brokenness to wholeness at various stages in our lives...

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