Saturday, September 25

So little emailing time so much to write...

I'm a nice person so I'm not going to hog the free email at the coference. I'm in the hilton hotel in Anaheim LA... just saw Toby Mac live, Dave crowder band is leading worsip, John Ortberg preached... God is blowing my mind... Steven Curtis Capman is on Sunday night... plus TimHuges,Cris Tomlin... it's crazy... America is just like tv... they think our accent is cute... Hollywood doesn't really exist... I've made friends with a Spanish Corporate wife called Pepe who took me out for lunch the other day. We're the only kiwis hereand every time we drive up to valet we get greeted with 'it's the kiwis'... we're known for ot tiping butbeing incredibly friendly. Americans are loud, friendly and genuinely interested in other people. The ones I have met so far are doing a lot to redeem the rest of the country. Tash and I are sharing a hotel room, double bed each :) There's kinda so much to tell and as this is my first braindump I kinda don't know where to start... Hope all is well at home... It's not really real yet but talking to the flaties helped. If you see Dottie give her a hug from me. She shunned me on the phone last night. Love from LA. Tere.

PS post replies and use your names!! It's faster than checking email (but don't get too personal... I've cried enough already!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tere!
natty here. miss u like crazy!
i was like real bummed at the fact that i missed ur call... but its all good. glad ur havin fun.
take care.
love u lots. :)